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We Can Help You With This Situation

Personal Counselling

Personal Counselling

May be you are going through some difficulties and you are not getting help from your usual sources.
and You think they could be biased/judgemental or they won't understand you.
You find yourself anxious and hard to understand why or how you can manage it.
You are having challenges with some relationships at work and outside, and want to know how you could help yourself to overcome this issues.
You discover something about yourself and it distresses you.
You have gone through some loss and finding it hard to bounce back on track.
We help individuals to better understand the specific concern they are experiencing, identify their strengths and to determine the directions they need to take in order to address the concern. We create a safe space for each individual to express their thoughts and emotions easily.

Depression Treatment

Depression Treatment

Depression is a serious Mood disorder it affects how to think, feel, interact with people and makes your day-to day life more difficult.
But Don’t Worry it is highly treatable and can happen at any age and We are always here for you. We focus more on present thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and how these things are affecting your life currently. we will help you to understand and work through the underlying causes of depression as well as develop coping strategies to deal with the symptoms.
Sadness,feeling low and having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily life activities familiar feelings for all of us. But if they persist and affect our lives substantially, the issue may be depression.

Business Counselling

Business Counselling

Work stress is starting to impact your personal life-causing sleep deprivation, dread, anxiety and bad habits like drinking, smoking, or overeating, then may be useful to seek help.
We will help you to Understand the root cause of what’s getting in the way of a happy life and develop concrete strategies to reduce and then alter these feelings. You will Learn how to communicate effectively; with yourself and with organization and also, learn new ways to resolve conflicts. We help you to Understand them self-better, and see how you connect with others and also to Understand what ‘triggers’ employee’s behaviours and responses

Relationship Counselling

Relationship Counselling

Why is the question ‘What is relationship counseling’ so important? At the Online Therapy Directory, we believe that relationship counseling is a talk therapy that lets both parties in a relationship talk about their problems and feelings in a safe and private environment. By talking through our problems, we better understand ourselves and, with guidance, are often able to make changes that improve our daily lives and relationships. It also helps you to cherish and improve your bond with the relationships that you care about. A relationship doesn’t have to be in crisis before you start counselling. For some people, therapy is a means by which they can prevent relationship issues from growing.
We provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment to help you identify issues or problems in a relationship and find a way through those difficulties. We will support you with small or major relationship issues that are troubling you to bond the relationship strong.

Couple Counselling

Couple Counselling

Couple Counselling helps you to interact and explore the intimacy, conflicts, communication, etc with your partner.
Some couples seek marriage counseling to strengthen their partnership and gain a better understanding of each other.
Marriage counseling can also help couples who plan to get married. Pre-marital counseling can help couples to achieve a deeper understanding of each other and iron out differences before marriage.
In other cases, couples seek marriage counseling to improve a troubled relationship. You can use marriage counseling to help with many specific issues, including: lack of coummunication, Lies and secrects from each other,Lack of intimacy,and many more.
We will help you and our main focus is on the relationship between the two, and we maintain neutrality to both parties in the relationship, and the status of the relationship itself. We maintain the possibility of a positive experience whatever the outcome may be. Our all counselling is intended for people in a relationship, irrespective of sexuality, marital status, race or other considerations. We are a non-discriminating space for any relationships.

Family Counselling

Family Counselling

No Family is perfect, we argue, we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times. But, in the end family is family, the love is always there.
Family counselling is a service available to anyone struggling to cope with family or relationship issues. The service is open to individuals, couples and families.
Many people contact the family counselling service for advice about day-to-day problems, conflicts or crises in the family. Our experts help each member of family understand their unhelpful behaviour and thought patterns and work on improving their current situation. Couples with young children and teenagers are given priority. We try to create a safe space for each individual to express their thoughts and emotions and helps the others try and understand each other’s needs and equips the family with better problem solving and communication skills training.

Educational Counselling

Educational Counselling

Educational Counselling mainly refers to providing assistance and guidance to students in making the right choices in their studies, be it their educational plans, choice of stream, career aspirations and specialisation as well as the selection of college or university as per their interests and preferences.
We also help you to overcome from any personal, social or behavioural problems. We also help students to develop organisation, time management, stress management, effective study habits and other such vital skills.

Career Counselling

Career Counselling

Your career development is a lifelong process that, whether you know it or not, actually started when you were born! There are a number of factors that influence your career development, including your interests, abilities, values, personality, background, and circumstances. Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.
Career Counselling advises you not to confuse about their career decisions.
It helps you to make decisions on how to study and what to study to reach the career that you dream of. We take care of your betterment for your future goals. This will give you confidence on how to work and makes you think out in a better way.